I discovered earlier this week that it can in fact be too hot to knit. This is something I didn't think could happen - living in Vermont rarely does it stay in the 90's for days. But with the incredible heat wave that seemed to hit the entire country I found that even with lace weight cotton I could not bear the thought of knitting, the yarn would stick to my fingers, to the needles, it all felt too hot and now the stole is so long it was pileing up in my lap making me even hotter. Finally, yesterday it got a lot cooler and now I am able to make up for the missed knitting time.
So here is what I have been working on:

Here is the stole that is made from the lace weight cotton I got at the Webs tent sale. I am pretty sure this cone was only two dollars (maybe three), and there is still a LOT left on the cone after I finish this piece.
Here is a picture of the yarn left on the cone, and the ball that I wound off to knit from for the stole.

I had the grand idea I would get this done while on my trip to Hawaii. That was a very optimistic idea, I am not sure I ever picked up the needles on the trip I was just so exhausted by the end of the day of visiting museums, touring the countryside, and generally enjoying the beautiful state!
Yesterday I got the grand idea that I needed to work on something else as I have been plugging away at this stole for so long I needed a change of pace. I was trying to find something to use up some of the older yarn in the stash (after the trip to the Webs tent sale I am not allowed to buy any more yarn until I make a serious dent in the now very very very large stash). But in swatching for the
Anthropologie Capelet I decided it would be perfect for the Debbie Bliss cotton angora I had bought in Maine last fall (at half price!).

I am so thrilled with how this is coming out. I have made several changes but it is looking great.
I am hoping to get this finished by the end of this weekend but we will see, I have several other projects that want my attention, and it will be too hot to wear this when I finish so I may end up distracted before finishing. At least I have a list now to work from! I am going to try and create one of those lists on the sidebar about what I am working on and how it is progressing.
Finally, in I didn't believe it actually happened, I got a fedex package today, it looked like the usual junk that you get in the mail letting you know you have won some sort of prize but first you have to pay for it I was a little skeptical when opening it. Then I pulled out a certificate for a free year of Netflix! I love Netflix, I have almost 500 items in my queue - now I get them for a year for FREE! I have never won anything before and was actually not sure that real people ever won things in contests. Yet I seem to keep entering them in the hope that I will actually win one. This time it appears it was contest in Self, I entered it and now I have won! Of course now I will be constantly entering contests.